Acrobats high over Benicia
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Pelican Islands in Benicia, CA
Islands off the Foot of First Street, Benicia, CA
I gave Pelican names to the islands at the foot of First Street. Click here to open a larger image.

Benicia, California, USA
Click to open a new browser window
showing a Google map of Benicia.
I would love to hear from you - send me your comments or questions:
rogrmail at


(click on any photo to enlarge.)

April 27 - June 12, 2016
I've gotten a little behind posting my citings. Until I can get at it, here's a list of dates when I've seen white pelicans at the foot of First Street in Benicia:

April 16, 2016 (2:42pm)
Six on Little Pelican Island. First group sighting of 2016.

April 16, 2016 (2:06pm)- First sighting in 2016
One alone on Little Pelican Island.

American White Pelican 2016-04-16 in Benicia CA